When I was building Orca, I had to keep track of all the various components a and blueprints and minerals. In the end I've made a spreadsheet that could automatically calculate what blueprints I had, how much minerals I needed to build stuff from those I got etc. That was a success and Baldachine proves it.
On the other hand some of the data I had to put in myself before I could actually use the sheet. It was also closely tied to Orcas and everything else would require some changes.

The design was simple at first: 4 lists – what you have to buy, what you are going to build, what you already got and what you what to have in the end. There are ways to transfer stuff between first 3 lists triggering various events: if you move some of your Capital Cargo Bays from "to buy" to "to build", you'll get tons of minerals and blueprints in your "to buy" list. When those are in "acquired" list, you have an option to "manufacture" those bays.
Later 5th list appeared – "Spent" – which contains whatever you have spent to get what you currently have in "Acquired".
Currently I'm working on saving and loading projects, as well as exporting them to external files. Short-term plans also include adding more options for moving records around and fixing few bugs (anyone else can't see Capital Ship Maintenance Bay Blueprint in the "To buy" list? That kind of bugs).
And, of course, making it all sexier is high-priority as well. Such as replacing the red bar with a nice-looking arrow pointing up – it's used to collapse the upper part to see more in the rest of lists. Maybe images of items in the list.