So I got in touch with a gang of aggressive newbies led by a low-sec veteran, assembled a Rifter, armed it up and joined them for some illegal action. Last week we just ran around searching for a target of opportunity, but seen noone other then a huge gate camp. Not our target I say.
Yesterday the run was much more organized. I showed up early enough and even got me enough ammo. First we found a Maller. I warped into belt, saw that Maller, asked our commander if it is ok to engage, then approached and scrambled that poor newbie. He didn't last long and with that setup he had no chance even against me alone — a mix of short-range lasers and artillery, coupled with shield booster and hull repairer on a ship of amarrian design is not the greatest idea.
Then we traveled a bit more looking for someone else (and losing one of our caracals to a gate camp on the way). There was some Coercer jumping between belts and we decided to lay a trap. One of our guys, piloting an Incursus, went to a belt and got attacked by a Hawk. Our team jumps in, then we tear that Hawk into bits. Incursus did not survive the encounter though.
In the end it's two kills.
Yarr I say.
In the end it's two kills.
Yarr I say.